
I'm Vaibhav

a Programmer

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Hey Guys!

I'm a sophomore pursuing Mechanical Engineering with a thriving interest in Web Development ;).

Welcome to my site!!

My Skills

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

I have completed 15+ certifications on the topics of Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence. My current interst lies in exploring the field of Computer Vision, but is not limited to it.

Web Development

I am currently exploring Web Development via Angel Yu's WebDev course. I intend to build a robust website which will act as a portfolio for all my projects, whether it may be a Webdev one or an AI one.

Get In Touch

If you want to just connect and chit chat

Whether it may be for some small talk or some deep scientific or philosophical talk, I'm always up for it! Drop me a mail or message. See you there :)

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